Hello All,
I thought I would wrap up the end of this wild year to thank those who have worked hard to spread the "rescue word."
Of course rescuing comes in many forms: We have the folks at www.lostourhome.org here in Arizona who are a bunch of Real Estate pros, but indirectly because of this blog saved an abandoned dog a couple of months ago. This dog was a neighbor to one of our pet sitting clients, and found itself in need of rescue when his people went through foreclosure and abandoned him at the property. Our client didn't know who to call, but remembered that we had started this blog, and contacted us.
Thank you LostOurHome folks for the work you've done this year.
We have the folks at www.thepetfoodlist.com who alert us whenever there is a new pet food recall in the works. Since Creature Feature Pet Sitting has many clients using all manner of brands of foods, this list is vitally important in my ability to inform our clients if they are feeding a dangerous food to their loved ones. I was alarmed when I received an alert from them the other day regarding a food I use personally for my own loved animals. After a diligent search online for the full story within 48 hours I found that the fault actually fell on the shoulders of the Australian government. They had decided that shipments of Orijen food need "super" irradiation before it could enter their country. In doing so they have rendered the food deadly to cats! By destroying 77% of vitamin A in that process, the food becomes deleterious. I'm still in shock that they choose to treat one of the top (in a handful of choices) commercial pet foods that way. Not to mention that this proves again the irradiation process is a bad idea. Well they shot themselves in the feet, because now they get no more Orijen. Sorry, Australia.
Thank you ThePetFoodList folks for the work you've done this year.
We have the folks at Wildhorse Ranch Rescue; www.mudpony.com who in spite of space and supply constraints tirelessly care for both old and new lifelong residents such as Grandpa's Charlee, a former racehorse who is trying hard to recover from a bacterial skin infection (pictured top right), and the newest lifelong resident; Jenny, a BLM rescue (pictured left) who went to live there just a month ago. These equines (among many more...see the herd on the website) are not going anywhere else...this is their last stop. Good thing too. While others give up on them, WHRR never will.
Thank you WHRR folks for the work you've done this year.
Finally, I'd like to introduce the newest link to the Creature Featurette Rescue Blog; the folks at www.truthaboutpetfood.com. It was through this organization that I got the final disposition on the Orijen-Australian food connection. This group is trying it seems in vain to bring to the forefront the fact that our own FDA is in violation of the very laws it charges others with. We have a serious problem with 4-D meat (Down, Diseased, Dying and Dead) in pet food, rather than slaughtered, which is the lawfully, required method for meat to be used in food (including pet food). The FDA has proven in it's own study that there is phenobarbital in pet food, which shows that 4-D meat is there. What that means is that euthanized animals are in pet food. You with me so far? OK....does the FDA acknowledge the violation? No. Do our Representatives in government know about it? Yes. Are they going to do anything about it? No. Not so far. Click on the title of this post to get to an expose' article about this issue. Our Representatives may never do anything about it. I believe the only way real attention will be called to this issue is through a class-action suit (we need a Sierra-Club-advocate-for-pets-type of group to do this)...or a heck of a lot of media attention. We can all work at both these options at the same time. Use the information in the article to write letters....to anyone you can think of who could possibly help. In the meantime don't use any foods that have anything void of actual description in the ingredients such as "Meat and Bonemeal," or "Meat Digest," or anything-byproducts. This indicates these ingredients come from 4-D meat. These kinds of terms indicate no real food that you can actually identify in the food. Go to www.truthaboutpetfood.com to get a lowdown on what the pet food industry terms actually are. Then get that stuff out of your animals' diets!
Thank you TruthAboutPetFood folks for the work you've done this year.
We at Creature Feature's wish all of you, and all of your loved-animals the best, and furthermore are hopeful that next year will be better for all.
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