Friday, December 19, 2008

Enough is Enough--Do not Declaw cats!!

Over the last year or so I've heard more and more negative things coming from strangers, clients and pet professionals alike about the daunting dangers and behavior problems associated with declawing cats.

Apart from the obvious painful procedure to get cats declawed, the immoral injustice of it all, and the awful way their feet look afterward, I never really thought anything else about declawing until this year. Slowly but surely I started to hear little whispers about declawed cats peeing on beds, sofas, and cushy chairs.

It took shelters saying that declawed cats are now labeled "unadoptable," and it would be better to put a cat down than to declaw them. People are simply not ready for the consequences of declawing cats. So, here are some reasons why you SHOULD NOT declaw cats!

1) Imagine your fingers being cut off from the first knuckle down. That's the "procedure" of declawing cats.

2) Imagine during your healing time you need to use the cat box. And there's all this harsh, gritty sand rubbing painfully against your raw knuckles as you paw at the sand, covering your waste. Makes you never wanna use that thing again doesn't it?

3) You don't NEED to declaw your cat. Period. It is completely unnecessary.

Instead of paying hundreds of dollars to mutilate your poor cat, why don't you go to a pet store and buy lots of cat scratching posts, scratching balls, scratching door hang-y jingle bell things, sprinkle lots of catnip all over it and take some cute pictures of your cat going mind-numbingly happy over what you just bought for them.

It'll be the best investment you ever made and it'll spare you the pain of having shelters say to you, "Your cat would be better off dead then you declawing it."

One last thing: If you're going to not believe me and go ahead with this procedure, for whatever reason, and my predictions come true about the behavior problems (which they will)--there are no products you can buy. There are no more surgeries you can get for your cat. There is nothing you can do once things have been set into motion and your cat starts to hate using the litter box and finds other means of relieving itself.

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