Wednesday, December 10, 2008

End of the Year

It's the end of the year and I wanted to make a post that said something meaningful about life and how the years pass by, etc.

Thinking about this past year and all the changes that have gone on in my life and where I'm going, I'm realizing more and more that animal rescue, animal care and the equality of animals will always be something that is close to my heart.

Being the kind of person I am, growing up surrounded by all types of animals and learning from an early age that they have feelings, souls, personalities and special quirks--I can't imagine my life absent of any kind of animal.

The animal rescue world is a tight knit group that is slowly but surely gaining momentum in a world where some people feel that a human life is worth more than an animal one; or that with all the problems going on in today's society maybe saving one furry friend really doesn't matter in the great scheme of things.

It's simply not true. Every life matters whether it's a human life, an animal life or plant life. Once society as a whole starts to realize that cherishing all forms a life can help all aspects of society then I feel that we will be better off for it.


Because we truly are all connected in ways that no scientist or politician could ever define. Once we all realize this we can make small changes for the better that will not just affect the life you helped, but will affect every life after that.

So what did I do this year to help life? Well...I stayed true to myself and always spread the word of animal equality. I rescued my Charlie, which was probably the best decision I've ever made. I sent the word on about LostOurHome which in turn helped save a life. And I'm considering adopting another cat from Wildhorse Ranch Rescue.

If I could I would take in every animal that needs a home, but alas this is not possible. And being someone who goes to school full time and works and is living in the same down-hill economy as everyone else I can't always afford to give money either. But I can always give my time.

Just like you can always give your time.

So, for this upcoming New Years, when you're pondering your resolutions and goals you want to meet for the year--ask yourself:

What will you do to contribute to life?

1 comment:

doggles said...

This is much belated, but I love this!

A couple months have passed since this post, and "life" continues to get downbeaten. I know it's not possible for many to give money, or even time, as they are likely spending all waking hours looking for jobs. But I have a suggestion; talk it up. Every day people come into contact with other people. And being the only species (not-with-standing those primates in northern CA learning sign-lauguage) who can communicate the way we do with one another, I am suggesting we say at every opportunity to this other person, "I would like to contribute to life today; thoughts?..." You may get a blank stare, but I bet more often than not you'll get an idea or two. And I'll also bet this person will walk away thinking only of the conversation he/she had with you because it would have been so different from the norm. Our Universe is defined by it's positive and negative energetic connections, so why not contribute in this positive, double-reinforcement way?