She came from Wild Horse Ranch Rescue. I know...this is a horse rescue, however, when the founder moved onto that property there were 62....count them 62 cats roaming about! She had lots of fun rounding them up, getting them sterilized, vaccinated, and what have you.
Luna was part of a litter born in 98' on the ranch that actually had only about half of it survive. She is a very strong kitty to have made it through the trials and tribulations of living outdoors on a ranch all these years. She's got a bit of a limp in the rear-end is all.
We brought her home in 2005 while I was working as a volunteer there. Those of you who appreciate "animal communication" would understand when I say that she came up to me one day and asked me for help. I went home and told my husband there's a kitty at the ranch asking me for help...can we? He said yes without any hesitation.
You see how furry she is? Well, while at the ranch they would periodically shave her down. When I met her she had massive bald spots all over her body due to a serious flea infestation, and malnutrition. Nowadays, we have loads of fun getting 3 or 4 of us together and either combing out knots, or clipping excess fur around her butt. Lately though, I can do it by myself. I bought a special stainless steel comb that gets those knots out pretty quick. She gets only a little annoyed. I guess she's gotton used to the routine.
Oh, the malnutrition? Gone. She's put on weight, and it's all muscle. She's thriving happily with daily servings of a little Orijen dry, and some meat-packed canned food, with a bit of organic whole milk here and there. She's got our male cat beat by 3 - 5 pounds. When he comes around her to do his tormenting antics she turns into Jackie Chan. Ka Poom! Body slammed in the wink of an eye. He doesn't know what hit him. He is finally getting what was coming to him. I guess she learned a thing or three living with a bunch of cats and horses on a ranch.
When I stopped my regular volunteer duties at the ranch in 06' the cat population was down to about 10 cats living there. However, I'm told it has been creeping up again. The latest number is at about 20 or so. It's hard to get an exact count.
Yes, they show up on their own, but people have been dumping them there too.
Anyway, there are current efforts going on now to build an outdoor atrium for them. That will at least keep them safe from the street.
If any of you are interested in learning more about the kitties from Kitty City at the ranch or the horses at Wild Horse Ranch Rescue, click on the link to your left, and that'll take you right to the barn!
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